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সর্ব-শেষ হাল-নাগাদ: ১৩ মে ২০১৯

অফিস কার্যাবলী



The functions of the Government Shipping Office, Chittagong may be summarized as under

  1. Administration of the Bangladesh Merchant Shipping Ordinance, 1983 and the rules framed there under from  time     to time.
  2. To give rulings and interpretations on provisions of the Merchant Shipping Ordinance/ Acts, Articles of Agreement, Maritime   Board (Bangladesh).
  3. Arbitration and settlement of problems/disputes between he Shipper and Seafarer/Unions and officers and Seafarers on employment and employment related problems often  raised by foreign & national flag vessels/owner and Maritime Labour Organization.
  4. Matters relating to employment of Bangladeshi seamen on foreign & national flag vessels and to negotiate on terms and Conditions therefore with the ranking representatives/ executives of foreign & national ship owner and unions visiting Bangladesh.
  5. Liaison with foreign ship owners on matters of employment of Bangladeshi seamen of their vessels.
  6. Recruitment of Fresher Seamen.
  7. Preparation and execution of plan for training of fresher seamen in keeping with the modern day technological developments and requirements and facilitation for their engagement of different foreign & national ships.
  8. Maintenance and operation of Seamen’s Funds under different heads i.e., (a) Deferred Credit-1, (b) Deferred Credit-11 and (c) Gratuity.